Pokemon Thunder Yellow French

Pokemon Thunder Yellow French

Console:Game Boy Advance (GBA)
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Pokemon Thunder Yellow French Info

Pokemon Thunder Yellow French (Pokemon Fire Red Hack) is a remake of the original game Fire Red, the author of the gameplay as a hacker named Undi. The plot of the game remains the same from the original version, only noticeable changes in features that make the game more interesting.


– New title screen all clean – The capture of Pikachu by Prof. Chen. – Unique Pikachu! With the design of the Thunder Yellow V1 – The same trainer as in POKÉMON VERSION YELLOW – The same wild pokemon as in POKEMON YELLOW VERSIONpokemon – Only 151bases before the league. – Electhor, Artikodin, Sulfura, Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Enteï, Suicune, Raikou and Celebe available – The three starters, Bulbizarre, Salamèche and Carapuce available where they were on POKÉMON VERSION YELLOW! – The pokémon normally uncapturable in the YELLOW VERSION will be offered (eg: ASPICOT), to be able to fill his Pokédex, so talk to everyone – Our hero swaps his dark red for bright yellow – The rival has an EVOLI – Original script redid to allow the rival to take his starter – Sprite YELLOW VERSION refurbished. – … (and more!)

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Tips & Guides

Connect to gamepads
1. Connect your gamepads to PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad via bluetooth.
2. Open MyOldGames.NET using your browser (iPhone, iPad requires Safari).
3. Select game > rom > "PLAY NOW". Then click "Control Settings" to setup your gamepads.
Q: Which emulator does MyOldGames.NET use?
A: EmulatorJS is open source which we use.

Q: Can I play games directly on the browser without downloading anything?
A: Yes, you can play games directly on MyOldGames.NET without downloading anything, but for big games you should download the rom and access Emulator to play.

Q: Can I play games on all devices that have a browser?
A: We tested on some of our devices and found that EmulatorJS doesn't work in browsers on Android Devices and TV browsers. You can play on PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad (iPhone, iPad requires Safari).

Q: After I press "START GAME" I only see a black screen, what should I do next?
A: The Emulator will begin downloading and decompressing the game rom. If something goes wrong, try clicking the "Restart" icon.


ROM NamePlayDownloadSize
Pokemon Thunder Yellow French.zipPlay NowDownload5.7MB
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